About Us

The Legend of Big O’s

We are often asked about the name of our shop and the Big O’s brand. We could tell you in a sentence or two, but really, it’s BIGGER than that.

The Rocket Scientist

Many long short years ago, there was a rocket scientist. By day, he designed impressive structures for airplanes and other flying objects. He knew his work was important, but he felt like he was missing something. Deep down, he knew he was supposed to do something BIG to change the world.

The Old Golf Cart

One day, he came across an old golf cart. He bought the cart, made it look fancy and drive even better. Then someone wanted to buy it! He sold this cart and felt good about his accomplishment and creation. So, he bought another old golf cart, fixed it up and made it look fancy like the one before. And he sold that one too!

The Start of Something

He started to think that maybe, just maybe, he was on to something. He continued working hard at his rocket scientist job during the day, but he started to think that his custom golf carts could be more than just a hobby, and he started to see a BIG business in his mind.

The Little Man

Then one day, a little man who had been a part of the rocket scientist’s life, who we will call “O,” looked at the rocket scientist and said a few words. It wasn’t much, but those words were powerful.

Something happened in the heart of the rocket scientist. A dream was born. Being a rocket scientist was cool, but he knew he could do more to change the world around him as the golf cart man.


He wanted freedom. He wanted to be in charge of his day so that he could spend as much time with O as possible. He knew if he did, he could learn from O, and O could learn from him.

The day came for the rocket scientist to walk away from his rocket scientist job and the golf cart man was officially born.

Big O's

It was time for the golf cart man to think of a name for his golf cart business. He thought and he thought and one day, he looked at O and realized the name had been there all along. He would name his company Big O’s!

O wasn’t very big in stature, but it was his heart, mind and will that were Big! He inspired the golf cart man, who wanted his company to have a big heart to change the world around him, just like O.

A Small Boy. A Mighty Spirit

“O” was Owen, the first-born son of the golf cart man. And even though Owen was just a small boy, his spirit was mighty. His heart loved Big, his brain thought Big, and his ideas were well, BIG! And the Big-ness he possessed was just what the golf cart man needed to be inspired to be the best golf cart man in the country, and to change the world around him.

Inspiring Change since 2013

Big O’s Golf Carts was officially born in 2013, and every day still, Owen continues to inspire his Father. He also loves to be in charge of and inspire his three younger siblings and friends to do great things.

We hope his Big ideas help inspire you change the world around you. After all, the best journeys are when we are in the pursuit of something bigger than ourselves.